Rose Brewer
Sutapa Chattopadhyay
Bodies, Nomes and the Cadence of Banal Borders: Storying Migrant Trajectories. Border Imperialism – Special Issue. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies. (forthcoming)
“Caliban and the Witch and Wider Bodily Geographies“. Gender, Place and Culture 24 (2): 160-173, 2016.
“Migration, Squatting and Radical Autonomy”. Routledge Space, Place, Politics Series [ISBN # 9781315673301] (with Pierpaolo Mudu, 2016)
“Post-colonial Development State, Primitive Accumulation of Nature and Social transformation of ousted Adivasis in the Narmada valley”. Capitalism Nature Socialism. 25 (4): 65-84, 2014.
“Getting personal: Narrating the Field: A researcher’s journey to the villages of Narmada Valley”, Gender, Place and Culture. 20 (2): 137-159, 2012.
“Adivasi Insurgencies and Power in Colonial India”, ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies. 11 (1): 55-80, 2012.
“Narrating everyday spaces of the indigenous migrants in Sardar Sarovar” Population, Space and Place. 16 (2), 2009.
Laurence Cox (
Haciendo otros mundos posibles: por qué los zapatistas nos importan / Making Other Worlds Possible: Why the Zapatistas Matter to Us. CLACSO / Cooperative Editorial Retos / Cátedra Jorge Alonso, 2021 (free)
The Irish Buddhist: the Forgotten Monk who Faced Down the British Empire (with Alicia Turner and Brian Bocking). Oxford University Press, 2020
Why Social Movements Matter. Rowman and Littlefield International, 2018
Voices of 1968: Documents from the Global North (co-edited with Salar Mohandesi and Bjarke Risager). Pluto, 2018
“The Irish water charges movement: theorising ‘the social movement in general‘.” Interface 9(1): 161-203, 2017
“Learning to be loyal to each other: conversations, alliances, and arguments in the movements of movements.” Afterword to Jai Sen (ed.), The Movements of Movements vol. 1 (PM / OpenWord), 2017
“Challenging toxic hegemony: repression and resistance in Rossport and the Niger Delta.” Social Justice 41(1-2): 227-245, 2015
Michael Daubs
Daubs, Michael S. “Public Service Radio, Indigenous Language, and Decolonization: Lessons from New Zealand.” Journal of Radio & Audio Media 28, no. 1 (2021): 25-47.
Manzerolle, Vincent R. and Michael S. Daubs. “Friction-Free Authenticity: Mobile Social Networks and Transactional Affordances.” Media, Culture & Society 43, no. 7 (2021).
Beattie, Alex, and Michael S. Daubs. “Framing ‘Digital Well-Being’ as a Social Good.” First Monday 25, no. 12 (2020).
Daubs, Michael S. “The myth of an egalitarian Internet: Occupy Wall Street and the Mediatization of Social Movements.” International Journal of Digital Television 8, no. 3 (2017): 367-82.
Keuhn, Kathleen R., and Michael S. Daubs. “The Holy Trail: Rethinking ‘Value’ in Google’s Ubiquitous Mapping Project.” MediaNZ 16, no. 1 (2017): 74-89.
Daubs, Michael S, and Jeffrey Wimmer. “Forgetting History: Mediated Reflections on Occupy Wall Street.” Media and Communication 5, no. 3 (2017): 49-58.
Laurence Davis
Asia della Rosa
Radha d’Souza
‘Revolt and Reform in South Asia: From Ghadar Movement to ‘9/11’ and After’, Economic and Political Weekly Vol – XLIX No. 7, February 15, 2014), pp.59-73.
‘What can Activist Scholars Learn from Rumi?’ Philosophy East and West, vol. 64:1 2014, pp. 1-24.
‘Imperialism and Self Determination: Revisiting the Nexus in Lenin’ Economic & Political Weekly (Special Articles) April 13, 2013 vol xlvIiI no 15 p. 60-69
‘Imperial Agendas, Global Solidarities and Socio-legal Scholarship on the Third World: Methodological Reflections’ Osgoode Hall Law Journal, Summer 49:3 2012, p. 6-43.
“Three Actors, Two Geographies, One Philosophy: The Straightjacket of Social Movements” in Alf Nilsen and Sara Motta (eds) Social Movements and/in the Postcolonial: Dispossession, Development and Resistance in the Global South (Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave, 2011, ch.10 p. 227-249).
“When Unreason Masquerades as Reason: Can Law Regulate Trade and Networked Communication Ethically?” in G. Cheny, S. May and D. Munshi (eds) Handbook of Communication Ethics (New York, NY, Abingdon, Oxon: International Communication Association, Routledge, 2011 ch. 28 p. 475-493).
“The Rights Conundrum: Poverty of Philosophy Amidst Poverty” in Banakar, R. (ed) Rights in Context: Law and Justice in Late Modern Society (Basingstoke: Ashgate, 2010 ch.3 p. 55-69).
Cristina Flesher Fominaya (
Understanding European movements (edited with Laurence Cox). Routledge: May 2013.
Cristina Flesher Fominaya and Laurence Cox “El Proyecto Interface: una reflexión sobre los movimientos sociales y el conocimiento”. Alberto Arribas Lozano, Nayra García-González, Aurora Álvarez Veinguer y Antonio Ortega Santos (eds.) Tentativas, Contagios, Desbordes. Territorios del Pensamiento. Granada: Editorial Universidad de Granada, 2012, Pp. 171-185.
Cristina Flesher Fominaya (2012) Youth Participation in Contemporary European Social Movements (Youth Partnership, European Union and Conseil de l´Europe)
Cristina Flesher Fominaya Social Movements and Globalization: Challenges, Possibilities and Dynamics, Palgrave MacMillan (2013, forthcoming)
Cristina Flesher Fominaya 2011 “The Madrid bombings and popular protest: misinformation, counterinformation, mobilisation and elections after ‘11-M’” Contemporary Social Science Vol. 6, 3, pp. 1–19. (November)
Peter Funke
The Great Refusal: Herbert Marcuse and Contemporary Social Movements, co-edited with Andy Lamas and Todd Wolfson (Temple University Press, 2017):
The New Politics: Global Social Movements in the 21st Century, co-edited with Gary Prevost and Harry Vanden (Routledge, 2017):
“From Global Justice to Occupy and Podemos: Mapping Three Stages of Contemporary Activism,” Special Issue of tripeC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique, Vol 15, No. 2, 2017, co-edited with Pablo Gerbaudo, Todd Wolfson, Emiliano Treré:
“’The History of all Hitherto Existing Society:’ Class Struggle and the Current Wave of Resistance,” Marx@200: Debating Capitalism & Perspectives for the Future of Radical Theory, Special Issue of tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique, Vol. 16, No. 2, 2018, pp. 577-587, edited by Christian Fuchs & Lara Monticelli, co-authored with Todd Wolfson:
“Building Rhizomatic Social Movements? Movement-Building Relays during the Current Epoch of Contention,” Studies in Social Justice, Vol. 8, Issue 1, 2014, pp. 27-44:
Levi Gahman
Arshad Isakjee
Kevin Lin
Lin K (2015) “Global Capitalism and the Transformation of China’s Working Class”, in Globalization and Transnational Capitalism in Asia and Oceania (ed. Jeb Sprague), Routledge: Singapore and London
Lin K (2015) “Recomposing Chinese Migrant and State-Sector Workers”, in Chinese Workers in Comparative Perspective (ed. Anita Chan), Ithaca: Cornell University Press
Lin K (2015) “Restructuring China’s State Corporatist Industrial Relations System: the Wenling experience” (co-authored with Xiaoyi Wen), Journal of Contemporary China, 24 (94)
Lin K (2015) “China’s Growing Labour Movement Offers Hope For Workers Globally” (co-authored with Tom Barnes), The Conversation (republished by China Policy Institute Blog, University of Nottingham & Business Spectator)
Lin K (2014) “Expanding the Umbrella Movement”, Jacobin
Lin K (2013) “Contesting State Ownership”, China Story Journal
Lin K (2013) “China’s Coming Social Explosion”, Overland
Manuel Mireanu
Farhang Morady
Jiří Navrátil
Dawn Paley
Capitalismo Antidrogas: Una guerra contra el pueblo. Libertad Bajo Palabra, 2018.
Drug War Capitalism. Oakland: AK Press, 2014.
Elisabet Rasch
Sarah Raymundo
Genevieve Ritchie
Dounya Salehi
Heike Schaumberg
El “desarrollo desigual y combinado” de la crisis neoliberal: Argentina como marcadora de las tendencias generales. Revista Herramienta, July 2016 (in press).
Argentina’s 2001 Crisis: The lessons for Greece. Socialist Review, Sept. 2015.
Argentina since 2001: From spontaneous uprising to ‘transition’, or a crisis intermezzo? In Argentina since the 2001 crisis: Recovering the Past, Reclaiming the Future (eds) C. Levey, D. Ozarow & C. Wylde. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. 2014, p. 135 – 154.
Disorganisation’ as Social-Movement Tactic: Re-appropriating Politics During the Crisis of Neoliberal Capitalism. In: Marxism and Social Movements. Edited by: Colin Barker, Laurence Cox, John Krinsky, and Alf Gunvald Nilsen. Brill. 2013, p. 377 – 400.
J’accuse…!’ Crisis in the Reproduction of Anthropological Scholarship. Anthropology in Action, Volume 16 [2], Summer 2009, p. 51-62
In Search of Alternatives: The Making of Grassroots Politics and Power in Argentina. Bulletin of Latin American Studies. 27 [3], July 2008, p. 368 – 387.
Recuperating Dignity: Labour Restructuring and Productive Alternatives in Argentina. In ‘Questions contemporaines’, Volume: ’La mondialisation au risque des travailleurs’. Edited by: E. Baumann, L. Bazin, P. Ould-Ahmed, P. Phélinas, M. Selim, R. Sobel. L’Harmattan, 2008.
Kasim Tirmizey
Tirmizey, Kasim (2018). Learning from and Translating Peasant Struggles: The Ghadar Party in Punjab. Journal of Socialist Studies. 13 (2).
D’Souza, Radha and Kasim Tirmizey (2018). Introduction to the Special Issue on the Ghadar Movement. Journal of Socialist Studies. (co-written with Radha D’Souza). 13 (2).
Tirmizey, Kasim (2019). Remembering the Ghadar Party. Jamhoor: Special Issue on Politics in Diaspora.
Tirmizey, Kasim (2019). Indigenous Rising in Ecuador and International Solidarity. The Bullet.
Tirmizey, Kasim (2020). Pandemics and Hunger: Lessons from the 1918 Pandemic in India. Jamhoor. Spring 2020.
Ana Vilenica
Vilenica, A., Florea, I., Popovici, V. and Posfai, Z. (forthcoming 2020) Eastern European cities within global urban geographies. In Lancione, Michele and McFarlane, Colin (eds), Thinking Global Urbanism: Essays on the City and its Future, Routledge.
The RHJ Editorial Collective (2020) Covid-19 and Housing Struggles: The (re)makings of austerity, disaster capitalism, and the no return to normal, The Radical Housing Journal Vol 2 Issue 1: 9-27.
Vilenica, A. and Stojić Mitrović, M. (2019) Enforcing and disrupting circular movement in an EU Borderscape: housingscaping in Serbia. Citizenship Studies, Vol 23 issue 6: Citizenship as inhabitance? Migrant housing squats versus institutional accommodation: 540-558.
Vilenica, A. (2019) Contradictions and Antagonisms in (anti-)social(ist) Housing in Serbia, ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geography, Vol 18 No 6: 1261-82.
Vilenica, A., Berryessa-Erich, F., Fernandez-Arrigoitia, Lancione M., McElroy, E., Wynne, L.,. (2019) Post-2008 as a field of action and inquiry in uneven housing justice struggles, The Radical Housing Journal Vol 1 Issue 1: 1-7.
Vilenica, A. (2019) Becoming an Accomplice in housing Struggles in Vulturilor Street, Dialogues in Human Geography, Vol 9 Issue 2: 210-213.
Vilenica, A., Džokic A., Neelen M. (2018) Affordable housing in your lifetime? Doina Petrescu, Kim Trogal (eds) The Social Production of Architecture. London: Routledge: 245-257.
Vilenica, A. (2017) Contemporary housing activism in Serbia: Provisional mapping, Interface: a journal for and about social movements Vol 9 issue 1: 424 – 447.
Lesley Wood
2014 Crisis and Control: The Militarization of Protest Policing. Pluto Books Limited. (Canadian edition, Between the Lines; US distribution, University of Chicago)
2019 Social Movements 1768-2018, 4th edition. Co-authored with Charles Tilly and Ernesto Castaneda. Routledge
forthcoming “Anarchist Gatherings 1986-2017.” ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies
2017 “Eventful Events: Local Outcomes of G20 Summit Protests in Pittsburgh and Toronto,” Co-authored by Lesley Wood, Suzanne Staggenborg, Glenn Stalker and Rachel Kutz-Flammenbaum. Social Movement Studies 16(5):1-15
2017 “Neither Cooptation nor Charity” in Why Don’t the Poor Rise Up?. Edited by Michael Truscello and Ajamu Nanwaya. AK Press.
‘Revolt and Reform in South Asia: From Ghadar Movement to ‘9/11’ and After’, Economic and Political Weekly Vol - XLIX No. 7, February 15, 2014), pp.59-73.